All prices / costs are expressed in Euros (€) and include VAT Italian. Is possible change currency and have exemption of non-EU countries or companies. In the latter case, customs fees, other costs related to customs and VAT if this is your responsibility.
Once the purchase will receive an email with the bank coordinates. To speed up the association's payment order please send the copy of the bank transfer order at IN ANY CASE, the order will be prepared and sent ONLY to credit received (2-3 days).
Portal SAFE (encrypted data transmission) PAYPAL where, due to access / registration, you can make the payment. Data on credit card will be received and processed by Paypal according to their regulations. No data will be sent to Sportissimo. Once the transaction is completed the order will be forwarded automatically to our order processing system. There is a chance to complete the order without making payment. If the order is successful you will be redirected to a confirmation page and receipt of payment receive a second email from Sportissimo and the other by paypal which summarizes the transaction and order. Sometimes you can pay by paypal without having to open an account (limited to 10 transactions), otherwise you need to register and open a paypal account. A transaction will be a payment on behalf of "Sportissimo".
Any errors with Paypal can be:
- Failure to receive email: If after performing pay with PayPal you receive the confirmation email from PayPal, but not ours, please contact us telling us your email address and the email address of paypal. In this way we will check if the order was placed and, if not present, will reinstate the order.
- Purchase limited: In this case there are limitations to your account. And 'you need to contact paypal for more information about it or you can proceed by choosing another method of payment.
- Transaction denied: Paypal does not authorize the transaction. Choose an alternative payment method or contact support Paypal for more clarification
Lack financial resources: Paypal does not authorize the transaction as it lacks the financial resources linked to the account through which PayPal charges the sum required. For example, it might be due to the credit card scaduta.E 'can choose another form of payment or contact PayPal for more information. - Transaction refused to buyer at risk: Paypal judged risky to the user's account and therefore does not authorize the transaction. For further information please contact the assistance paypal.
- Generic error: in the case of generic error, for more information, please contact paypal. PayPal prompts you to choose an alternative payment method.
Portal with encryption of data transmission and in respect of the processing of sensitive data. There are price increases for this mode of payment. The charge card will be marked as "Sportissimo SRL.".
- Chargeback in real time: The chargeback may delay a few days before it can be displayed (depending on the type of Card used).